- N/T
DUO Network DUO
We lack of accurate trading data.
This could be attributed to several reasons, including limited exchange liquidity or delisting. Or might be due unable to provide support for exchanges where this asset is currently tradable.
Market Cap
$587,631.35Rank #--FDV
$1.61 MRank #--Investors
X Followers
See more0.11xUSD ROI
0.01xBTC ROI
0.01xETH ROI
- ICO Price
- $0.1461
- Funds Raised
- $5.10 M
- Tokens Sold
- 22.00 M DUO
About DUO
A decentralized platform enabling issuance, trading, and settlement of tokenized digital derivatives.
Official Links
See more0.11xUSD ROI
0.01xBTC ROI
0.01xETH ROI
- ICO Price
- $0.1461
- Funds Raised
- $5.10 M
- Tokens Sold
- 22.00 M DUO