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Cap de mercado$2.38 T 1.21%Volumen 24h$70.49 B -18.07%BTC$64,020.53 1.72%ETH$3,121.61 0.43%S&P 500$5,128.11 0.00%Oro$2,302.57 0.00%Dominancia BTC52.99%
  • #5794


AELIN Precio

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--Ranking #5794


$1.73 MRanking #5529


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AELIN muestra Bajista indicadores frente a las principales criptomonedas, categorías líderes y blockchains en diferentes períodos de tiempo

Par comercial1h24h7d1m3m1a

AELIN to USD Conversor


Precios Historicos

Historico mas alto
454.06x to ATH
Historico mas bajo
1.75x to ATL
Fecha de lanzamiento comercial
6 Jan, 2022
849 días atrás

Recaudacion de fondos

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Precio de ICO
Total recaudados
Total vendidas

Acerca de AELIN

Aelin is a permissionless multi-chain protocol for capital raises and OTC deals. It is a community fundraising protocol that decentralizes fundraising, eliminating the need for venture capitalists. Aelin allows anyone with an internet connection to participate in the fundraising or deal sourcing process. It operates by creating pools where sponsors can collect funds from investors for potential deals. When an investor accepts a deal, they receive a claim on the deal token and pay a fee to both the sponsor and the protocol. Each deal may come with an optional vesting schedule, and at the end of the vesting period, investors can claim their deal tokens. Aelin has a roadmap that outlines its development and updates, including improvements to user interface, mobile-friendly interface, automated crosschain deal claiming, new deal structures, and governance updates.

What makes Aelin unique?

Aelin is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is a permissionless multi-chain protocol specifically designed for community fundraising and OTC deals. It eliminates the need for traditional venture capitalists, allowing anyone with an internet connection to participate in the fundraising process. Aelin also offers features such as creating pools for potential deals, automated crosschain deal claiming, and the option for negotiated vesting schedules. Its decentralized nature and focus on community involvement set it apart from other cryptocurrencies.

Price Live Data

El precio actual de Aelin (AELIN) es aproximadamente $346.06, Aumentar 1.19% En las ultimas 24 horas AELIN el volumen de la negociacion en las ultimas 24 horas se situa en $564.08.

Para obtener una lista completa de exchanges, visita nuestra Pagina de exchanges cripto. Para entender Aelin's el rendimiento en el tiempo, considera explorar el Precio historico Y Retorno de la inversion. Para obtener un profundo analisis e informacion AELIN, consulta nuestro Pagina de informacion cripto.

Activos en tendencia

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