Logo DropsTab - linea azul que representa la forma de una gota de agua con decoracion navideña
Cap de mercado$2.35 T -0.56%Volumen 24h$66.27 B -29.37%BTC$62,897.72 -1.05%ETH$3,152.86 1.05%S&P 500$5,099.70 -0.07%Oro$2,337.93 0.10%Dominancia BTC52.73%
  • N/T


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Acerca de FLOOR

FloorDAO is an NFT market-making protocol that aims to enable deep liquidity on NFT collections and generate high sustainable yield for the DAO treasury through this liquidity. It is designed to learn and grow from experiences and is prepared for any future Floor Wars that may occur. FloorDAO also works on improving systems, such as finding better ways to bribe users and avoiding OTC deals. It recently announced its fair launch, token mechanism, and allocations.

What makes FloorDAO unique?

FloorDAO is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is an NFT market-making protocol that focuses on enabling deep liquidity on NFT collections. It aims to generate high sustainable yield for the DAO treasury through this liquidity. FloorDAO also has a fair token launch mechanism and tokenomics that ensure a transparent and equitable distribution of tokens. Additionally, FloorDAO has learned from past experiences, such as the Floor Wars, and has implemented improvements to enhance the user experience and create a better system for incentivizing users. Overall, FloorDAO's focus on NFT liquidity and its commitment to continuous improvement sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies.

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