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Cap de mercado$2.35 T 5.00%Volumen 24h$79.03 B -25.38%BTC$63,276.44 6.17%ETH$3,117.55 3.82%S&P 500$5,128.11 1.26%Oro$2,302.57 -0.03%Dominancia BTC52.69%
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Hodl Finance HFT

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$112,284.37Ranking #--


--Ranking #--
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Acerca de HFT

Hodl Finance refers to a finance decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that engages in various activities related to cryptocurrency and blockchain. They offer services such as market-making, where they use a low-risk strategy to generate consistent profits. Additionally, Hodl Finance DAO invests a portion of its trading treasury in promising crypto startups and projects. It is important to note that the information and opinions provided on their website should not be considered as investment advice or a basis for decision-making. It is advisable to consult with an expert in the appropriate field before taking any specific action.

What makes Hodl Finance unique?

Hodl Finance is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it primarily uses Market Making as a low-risk strategy to generate consistent profits. This sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies that may rely on different investment strategies. Additionally, Hodl Finance DAO also invests a portion of its Trading Treasury in promising crypto startups and projects, further distinguishing itself in the market.

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