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  • #2549

Museum of Crypto Art MOCA

MOCA Precio

Rango de precio--


$301,488.91Ranking #2549


$1.15 MRanking #2185


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Rendimiento detallado


MOCA muestra Bajista indicadores frente a las principales criptomonedas, categorías líderes y blockchains en diferentes períodos de tiempo

Par comercial1h24h7d1m3m1a

MOCA to USD Conversor


Precios Historicos

Historico mas alto
98.70x to ATH
Historico mas bajo
2.12x to ATL
Fecha de lanzamiento comercial
27 May, 2021
1065 días atrás


Exchanges type

Uniswap V3 (Polygon)

Acerca de MOCA

The Museum of Crypto Art (MoCA) is a virtual museum created by Paris-based artist Bnoiit.C. It is dedicated to commemorating the crypto art movement, which encompasses digital art created using blockchain technology. The museum exists in the virtual world of CryptoVoxels and showcases various crypto art pieces.

What makes Museum of Crypto Art unique?

The Museum of Crypto Art (M○C△) is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is not a cryptocurrency itself. It is a virtual museum created by artist Bnoiit.C to commemorate the crypto art movement. The museum challenges, creates conflict, and provokes by presenting a broad representation of perspectives meant to upend our sense of who we are. It raises questions about the nature of art and who gets to decide what is considered art. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, the Museum of Crypto Art focuses on the preservation and representation of crypto art rather than functioning as a digital currency.

Price Live Data

El precio actual de Museum of Crypto Art (MOCA) es aproximadamente $0.1151, Disminuir -0.20% En las ultimas 24 horas MOCA el volumen de la negociacion en las ultimas 24 horas se situa en $294.39. Museum of Crypto Art's la capitalizacion de mercado actualmente es $301,488.91, contabilizando sobre < 0.01% de la capitalizacion total de mercado el suministro circulante de MOCA es 2.62 Millon.

Para obtener una lista completa de exchanges, visita nuestra Pagina de exchanges cripto. Para entender Museum of Crypto Art's el rendimiento en el tiempo, considera explorar el Precio historico Y Retorno de la inversion. Para obtener un profundo analisis e informacion MOCA, consulta nuestro Pagina de informacion cripto.

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