Logo DropsTab - linea azul que representa la forma de una gota de agua con decoracion navideña
Cap de mercado$2.29 T -0.30%Volumen 24h$53.36 B -38.61%BTC$61,013.79 0.17%ETH$3,388.85 -0.57%S&P 500$5,459.13 -0.54%Oro$2,326.73 -0.14%Dominancia BTC52.66%
  • N/T

PolkaFantasy XP

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Recaudacion de fondos

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0.06xUSD ROI
0.05xBTC ROI
0.06xETH ROI
Precio de ICO
Total recaudados
$1.66 M
Total vendidas
38.00 M XP

Acerca de XP

PolkaFantasy is a Japanese-themed NFT cross-chain marketplace. It is built for NFT enthusiasts and inspired by Japanese Animation, Comics, and Games (ACG) culture. PolkaFantasy provides an immersive platform for discovering, creating, trading, and interacting with digital content. It combines the worlds of Final Fantasy and art, offering a refreshing and concise anime art experience.

What makes PolkaFantasy unique?

PolkaFantasy stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique features and focus on the Japanese Animation, Comics, and Games (ACG) culture. It is the first-ever Japanese-themed NFT cross-chain marketplace, catering specifically to NFT enthusiasts who appreciate ACG content. This platform allows users to discover, create, trade, and interact with various digital contents inspired by Japanese animation and comics. Additionally, PolkaFantasy aims to remove limitations on communication between different blockchain networks, allowing creators to explore beyond platforms like Ethereum or Polkadot. This emphasis on bridging different chains and promoting Japanese art style sets PolkaFantasy apart from other cryptocurrencies in the industry.

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