Logo DropsTab - linea azul que representa la forma de una gota de agua con decoracion navideña
Cap de mercado$2.43 T -0.78%Volumen 24h$49.38 B -5.75%BTC$66,720.81 -0.26%ETH$3,076.70 -1.41%S&P 500$5,302.43 0.00%Oro$2,413.93 0.00%Dominancia BTC54.02%
  • N/T

Relevant REL

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Esto podría atribuirse a varias razones, incluida la liquidez limitada en el intercambio o la eliminación de la lista. O podría deberse a la incapacidad de proporcionar soporte para los intercambios donde este activo es actualmente negociable.


$70,361.42Ranking #--


$218,605.34Ranking #--


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6.25 M REL

Acerca de REL

Relevant is an app that focuses on curating information based on quality rather than popularity. It uses a reputation system and economic incentives to encourage users to rank and organize content within topic-based communities. Relevant aims to provide users with reliable and valuable information by involving the community in the curation process. They have received a grant from the Interchain Foundation to further develop tools for decentralization.

What makes Relevant unique?

Relevant stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique approach to content curation and reputation system. Unlike other cryptocurrency-driven networks where content is either irrelevant or sponsored by advertisements, Relevant puts curation power in the hands of trusted community members and experts. This means that content endorsed by trusted users will appear higher in the feed, ensuring that valuable and reliable information is prioritized. Additionally, Relevant has launched with two pilot communities, Satoshi's Planet and Relevant Feed, providing spaces for discussions on crypto-related news and broader topics like culture and technology.


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