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Cap de mercado$2.40 T 2.06%Volumen 24h$66.44 B 5.14%BTC$63,727.00 0.87%ETH$3,324.65 5.32%S&P 500$5,099.70 0.00%Oro$2,337.93 0.00%Dominancia BTC52.14%
  • #2037

Salad Ventures SALD

SALD Precio

Rango de precio--


$1.24 MRanking #2037


$17.09 MRanking #1279


Seguidores de Twitter

ResumenExchangesRecaudacion de fondosVesting

Rendimiento detallado


SALD muestra Bajista indicadores frente a las principales criptomonedas, categorías líderes y blockchains en diferentes períodos de tiempo

Par comercial1h24h7d1m3m1a

SALD to USD Conversor


Precios Historicos

Historico mas alto
13.48x to ATH
Historico mas bajo
2.13x to ATL
Fecha de lanzamiento comercial
19 Jul, 2023
284 días atrás


Exchanges type

Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)

Acerca de SALD

Salad Ventures is a Singapore-based X-2-Earn ecosystem project that utilizes blockchain technology and innovative growth strategies to support the scaling of Web 3 projects. They offer equal earning opportunities for their community members and promote growth for their ecosystem partners. Salad Ventures has three pillars: Play, Learn, and Work, with products like Arcaden.com, Apollo.Academy, and Maslow. By owning $SALD, investors become part of a thriving community and gain access to a wide network of partners. Charles Wayne, Co-Founder of @Galxe, serves as an advisor to Salad Ventures, bringing strategic insights and innovation to the project.

What makes Salad Ventures unique?

Salad Ventures stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique approach and offerings. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies that focus solely on financial transactions, Salad Ventures is a comprehensive X-2-Earn ecosystem project. It combines innovative growth strategies, blockchain technology, and a range of products and platforms to help Web 3 projects scale.
One of the key aspects that makes Salad Ventures unique is its emphasis on incentivizing activity and promoting equal earning opportunities for its community members. They achieve this by partnering with other projects and providing a platform where users can play, learn, and work. This approach not only fosters a thriving community but also promotes growth for the ecosystem partners.
Another distinguishing factor is Salad Ventures' attention to detail, systems, and processes. They believe that these are the missing ingredients in many blockchain projects. By focusing on quality and speed, Salad Ventures ensures that their venture building team brings outstanding ideas to life.
Additionally, Salad Ventures offers ownership of $SALD, which grants investors access to a broad network of partners and a diverse range of opportunities. By aligning themselves with Salad Ventures, investors become part of a dynamic community and gain exposure to the expertise of advisors like Charles Wayne, the Co-Founder of @Galxe. His strategic insights and innovative approach contribute to the future success of Salad Ventures.
In summary, Salad Ventures' unique combination of X-2-Earn ecosystem, focus on quality and speed, ownership of $SALD, and strategic partnerships make it stand out from other cryptocurrencies.

Price Live Data

El precio actual de Salad Ventures (SALD) es aproximadamente $0.010187, Aumentar 3.00% En las ultimas 24 horas SALD el volumen de la negociacion en las ultimas 24 horas se situa en $440,648.25. Salad Ventures's la capitalizacion de mercado actualmente es $1.24 Millon, contabilizando sobre < 0.01% de la capitalizacion total de mercado el suministro circulante de SALD es 123.14 Millon.

Para obtener una lista completa de exchanges, visita nuestra Pagina de exchanges cripto. Para entender Salad Ventures's el rendimiento en el tiempo, considera explorar el Precio historico Y Retorno de la inversion. Para obtener un profundo analisis e informacion SALD, consulta nuestro Pagina de informacion cripto.

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