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Cap de mercado$2.36 T -0.28%Volumen 24h$80.81 B -2.41%BTC$63,040.42 -0.16%ETH$3,053.00 -0.52%S&P 500$5,188.88 0.13%Oro$2,313.90 -0.48%Dominancia BTC52.79%
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Acerca de SINGH

Singh is a decentralized social media platform called SinghApp. It is a unique and transparent platform that values and rewards content creators for their contributions. Users can earn rewards for their engagement on the platform, such as creating content, engaging with others, and participating in community events. Singh also offers an NFT marketplace where users can showcase and sell their digital assets. Additionally, Singh has an event platform that allows organizers to create and host events, sell tickets, and keep tickets on bid. Overall, Singh aims to provide a secure and rewarding environment for content creators to showcase their skills and potentially explore new career opportunities.

What makes Singh unique?

Singh is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is not just a digital currency, but also the backbone of a decentralized social media platform. The Singh App provides enhanced security, trust, transparency, and data traceability for its users. It also offers rewards for content creators, allowing them to monetize their creativity and potentially be noticed by companies looking for talent. Additionally, the Singh NFT Marketplace allows users to earn rewards for their engagement on the platform. Overall, Singh combines the benefits of a cryptocurrency with a social media platform, creating a unique and incentivizing ecosystem for its users.

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