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Cap de mercado$3.61 T 1.74%Volumen 24h$150.66 B 25.28%BTC$101,727.29 2.29%ETH$3,667.44 0.47%S&P 500$5,973.10 0.52%Oro$2,642.58 0.60%Dominancia BTC55.73%
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Zoracles ZORA

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$22,469.31Ranking #--


--Ranking #--
ResumenExchangesRecaudacion de fondosVesting

Acerca de ZORA

Zoracles is a development studio that has created the world's first financial non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace. It started as a ZK-oracle project and has since evolved into a broader platform. They have released different versions of their protocol, such as Zora 2.0 and Zora 2.5, which include features like protocol decentralization and a founding team vesting schedule. They have also collaborated with projects like Zokrates, a tool for developing and executing zkSNARKs programs.

What makes Zoracles unique?

Zoracles is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it focuses on providing confidential data to smart contracts. It utilizes Zk-Snarks technology to hide inputs from data sources, ensuring the privacy and security of the information used in the contracts. This feature sets Zoracles apart and makes it a valuable protocol for applications that require confidential data. Additionally, Zoracles is actively developing and expanding its market vertical, including exploring opportunities in areas such as confidential credit checks.

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