- #7195
Parasol Finance PSOL
Capitalisation boursière
$27,510.19Rang #7195FDV
$103,026.00Rang #10359Performance détaillée
PSOL montre Neutre comportement par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes
PSOL to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $0.19339.34x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.004061.21x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 16 Jan, 2022
il y a 1084 jours
À propos PSOL
Parasol Finance is the first-ever community governed IDO (Initial DEX Offering) platform built on the Solana blockchain. It aims to meet the needs of both projects and investors by providing a platform for project launches and investment opportunities. Parasol Finance also features a unique NFT allocation system, allowing users to participate in upcoming IDOs. Additionally, users can stake their NFTs and earn daily rewards in the form of $PSOL tokens, with a competitive APR (Annual Percentage Rate).
What makes Parasol Finance unique?
Parasol Finance stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique features and value propositions. Firstly, it is the first-ever community-governed IDO (Initial DEX Offering) platform built on the Solana blockchain. This means that the community has a say in the decision-making process, making it more decentralized and inclusive.
Additionally, Parasol Finance is the first launchpad that incorporates a NFT (Non-Fungible Token) allocation system. This feature allows users to participate in upcoming IDOs and gain access to exclusive NFTs, adding an element of rarity and collectibility.
Furthermore, Parasol Finance offers a staking mechanism where users can stake their NFTs and earn $PSOL tokens on a daily basis. This provides an opportunity for investors to earn passive income with a good Annual Percentage Rate (APR).
Overall, Parasol Finance differentiates itself by combining the benefits of community governance, NFT allocations, and staking, making it a unique and innovative platform in the cryptocurrency space.
Données en direct du prix de Parasol Finance
Le prix actuel de Parasol Finance (PSOL) est d'environ $0.004906, reflétant une diminution de -0.47% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de PSOL au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $49.40. La capitalisation boursière de Parasol Finance est actuellement de $27,510.19, représentant environ < 0.01% de la capitalisation boursière totale des cryptomonnaies. L'offre en circulation de PSOL est de 5.61 million.
Pour une liste complète des échanges, visitez notre page des échanges crypto. Pour comprendre la performance de Parasol Finance au fil du temps, envisagez d'explorer son historique des prix et ROI. Pour une analyse approfondie et des insights sur PSOL, consultez notre page des insights crypto.
Liens officiels
PSOL to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $0.19339.34x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.004061.21x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 16 Jan, 2022
il y a 1084 jours