- #999
ShapeShift FOX FOX
FOX Prix
Capitalisation boursière
$37.43 MRang #999FDV
$60.14 MRang #953Investisseurs
Abonnés X
Performance détaillée
FOX montre Baissier signes par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes
FOX to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $1.6427.34x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.018113.32x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 22 Jul, 2021
il y a 1265 jours
Levée de fonds
Voir plus- Prix ICO
- --
- Fonds levés
- $12.80 M
- Tokens vendus
- --
Exchanges type
À propos FOX
ShapeShift FOX is a token that is associated with the ShapeShift platform. It has utility and can be used within the ShapeShift ecosystem. The specific details of its utility and functionality can be found in the article "What can I do with my FOX?" on the ShapeShift website.
What makes ShapeShift FOX unique?
ShapeShift FOX stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to several unique features. Firstly, ShapeShift FOX offers insurance coverage of up to $30 million, protecting users against cyberattacks, internal fraud, software bugs, and more. This provides an added layer of security and reassurance for investors.
Additionally, ShapeShift FOX holders have the opportunity to earn double-digit yields through various liquidity farming activities. This allows token holders to generate passive income and enhance their overall investment returns.
Furthermore, ShapeShift is implementing FOXChain, a decentralized system that incentivizes operators to run blockchain nodes and manage the Unchained abstraction layer. This means that ShapeShift will no longer be the sole centralized host of its data. Instead, individuals can host pieces of blockchain data and contribute to a decentralized network. This fosters a more transparent and inclusive ecosystem.
Lastly, users are given the option to delegate their FOX Tokens to validators, further promoting decentralization and community participation.
Overall, these unique features make ShapeShift FOX a distinctive cryptocurrency with enhanced security, earning potential, decentralization, and community engagement opportunities.
Données en direct du prix de ShapeShift FOX
Le prix actuel de ShapeShift FOX (FOX) est d'environ $0.06014, reflétant une diminution de -9.74% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de FOX au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $1.88 million. La capitalisation boursière de ShapeShift FOX est actuellement de $37.43 million, représentant environ < 0.01% de la capitalisation boursière totale des cryptomonnaies. L'offre en circulation de FOX est de 622.36 million.
Pour une liste complète des échanges, visitez notre page des échanges crypto. Pour comprendre la performance de ShapeShift FOX au fil du temps, envisagez d'explorer son historique des prix et ROI. Pour une analyse approfondie et des insights sur FOX, consultez notre page des insights crypto.
Liens officiels
FOX to USD Convertisseur
Historique des prix
- Plus haut historique
- $1.6427.34x to ATH
- Plus bas historique
- $0.018113.32x to ATL
- Date de lancement du trading
- 22 Jul, 2021
il y a 1265 jours
Levée de fonds
Voir plus- Prix ICO
- --
- Fonds levés
- $12.80 M
- Tokens vendus
- --