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Cap. Marché$2.16 T 3.72%Volume 24h$769.82 B -19.66%BTC$62,467.70 3.44%ETH$2,403.01 3.10%S&P 500$5,616.77 -0.29%Or$2,558.38 -0.53%Dominance BTC56.94%
  • #4332

Equilibria XEQ

XEQ Prix

Plage de prix--

Capitalisation boursière 

--Rang #4332


$434,026.26Rang #6338


Abonnés Twitter

AperçuÉchangesCollecte de fondsAcquisition

Performance détaillée


XEQ montre Haussier signes par rapport aux principales cryptomonnaies, catégories principales et blockchains sur différentes périodes

Paire de négociation1h24h7j1m3m1a

XEQ to USD Convertisseur


Historique des prix

Plus haut historique
163.20x to ATH
Plus bas historique
22.40x to ATL
Date de lancement du trading
15 Dec, 2019
il y a 1739 jours

À propos XEQ

Equilibria is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that is based on the Monero fork. It offers private and untraceable transactions, making it difficult to track or trace the movement of funds. Equilibria also has its own native blockchain and utilizes a hybrid Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm for confirming transactions and governing its decentralized Oracle Nodes. It is an open-source project, allowing anyone to audit its source code. Equilibria's oracle, called Pythia, can be used to strengthen other blockchains or smart contracts by removing centralization and decentralizing tasks. Additionally, Equilibria has exposure to other ecosystems, such as Ethereum, through its wXEQ token.

What makes Equilibria unique?

Equilibria offers several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies.
First, Equilibria prioritizes privacy. It is a Monero fork, which means that transactions made with Equilibria are private and untraceable. This focus on privacy ensures that users can conduct transactions with a high level of anonymity.
Second, Equilibria has a multi-ecosystem approach. While it has its own native blockchain, it also has exposure to other ecosystems. For example, it has created the wXEQ token on the Ethereum network. This multi-ecosystem approach allows for greater versatility and interoperability.
Third, Equilibria is decentralized. It utilizes a hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which not only confirms transactions but also governs Oracle Nodes. This decentralized approach ensures a more secure and resilient network.
Fourth, Equilibria has a scalable tokenomics model. Its oracle is chain-agnostic, meaning it can provide solutions for various use cases, such as DeFi or privacy ramps for ERC-20 tokens. This versatility makes Equilibria adaptable to different market demands.
Lastly, Equilibria is open-source. All of its source code is available to the public, allowing anyone to audit and verify its functionality. This commitment to transparency fosters trust and community involvement.
Overall, Equilibria's unique combination of privacy, multi-ecosystem approach, decentralization, scalable tokenomics, and open-source nature sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies.

Données en direct du prix de Equilibria

Le prix actuel de Equilibria (XEQ) est d'environ $0.0056, reflétant une augmentation de 3.26% au cours des dernières 24 heures. Le volume de trading de XEQ au cours des dernières 24 heures s'élève à $4,087.67.

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