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TryHards TRY
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Ini bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan, termasuk likuiditas pertukaran yang terbatas atau delisting. Atau mungkin disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan untuk memberikan dukungan untuk bursa tempat aset ini saat ini diperdagangkan.
Kap. Pasar
$1,050.06Peringkat #--FDV
$1,244.00Peringkat #--Investor
Pengikut X
Penggalangan dana
Lagi- Harga ICO
- --
- Total Dana
- $4.11 M
- Total Terjual
- 67.84 M TRY
Tentang TRY
TryHards is a competitive and immersive game that aims to engage players in a fair and balanced manner. It allows both new players and veteran players to compete on an equal footing, while also offering benefits for obtaining higher tier characters and weapons. The game is designed to give players the opportunity to grind and earn legendary loot, even if they start from scratch. Additionally, TryHards incorporates automated processing for certain decisions that can impact individuals. They use computer programs and systems such as Google Analytics and Cookiebot.
Penggalangan dana
Lagi- Harga ICO
- --
- Total Dana
- $4.11 M
- Total Terjual
- 67.84 M TRY