Логотип DropsTab - синя лінія у формі краплі з різдвяними прикрасами
Ринкова капіталізація$2.34 T 0.16%Об'єм за 24г$93.43 B 7.13%BTC$67,868.48 0.67%ETH$2,619.00 -0.47%S&P 500$5,842.31 -0.02%Золото$2,711.51 1.05%Домінація BTC 57.33%
  • #1859

BitcoinBam BTCBAM


Діапазон цін--


$3.61 MРейтинг №1859


$5.04 MРейтинг №1841


Топ підписники

ОглядБіржіЗбір коштівВестинг

Детальна динаміка


BTCBAM показує Ведмежий ознаки порівняння з провідними криптовалютами, основними категоріями та блокчейнами протягом різних періодів часу

Торгова пара24г1рік

BTCBAM to USD Конвертер


Історія цін

84.59x to ATH
24.03x to ATL
Дата запуску торгівлі
12 Apr, 2021
1284 днів тому


Exchanges type



BitcoinBam (BTCBAM) is a comprehensive web3 finance and investment ecosystem designed to cater to the needs of investors. It offers a wide range of investment opportunities and features a variety of products and mechanisms that seamlessly interact with each other. BTCBAM has its own native token called BTCBAM Token, which is listed on several exchanges. The ecosystem includes features such as a decentralized and automated IDO/Presale launchpad, staking with up to 25% APY, decentralized decision-making and governance through DAO, and a community-driven investment experience with big data activities, awards, and gamification apps. BTCBAM also provides BAMPay, a payment solution that allows users to make simple and secure payments without any hassle. Additionally, BTCBAM invests a portion of its funds in projects chosen by the community, promoting social responsibility.

What makes BitcoinBam unique?

BitcoinBam (BTCBAM) stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique features and offerings. Here are some key aspects that make BitcoinBam unique:
1. Ecosystem: BitcoinBam has a well-thought-out ecosystem with a range of in-demand products and mechanisms that seamlessly integrate and support each other. This ecosystem serves the interests and brings new benefits to all participants within the BitcoinBam community.
2. Listing and Availability: The BTCBAM Token is listed on several exchanges, making it easily accessible for trading and investment purposes.
3. IDO Launchpad: BitcoinBam offers a decentralized and automated IDO/Presale launchpad. This allows projects to launch their tokens and raise funds in a secure and transparent manner.
4. Staking: BTCBAM token holders have the opportunity to earn up to 25% APY (Annual Percentage Yield) by staking their tokens. This provides an additional incentive for holding and supporting the cryptocurrency.
5. DAO Governance: BitcoinBam implements decentralized decision-making and governance through its DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). This allows community members to have a say in the development and future direction of the ecosystem.
6. Community-Driven Investment Experience: BitcoinBam aims to make investing profitable and enjoyable by creating a community-driven investment experience. This includes big data activities, awards, and gamification apps to enhance the investment journey.
7. BAMPAY Payment Solution: BTCBAM's BAMPAY offers a simple and convenient payment solution with no complicated processes or hidden fees. Users can securely make payments without hassle.
8. NFT Renting and Social Responsibility: BTCBAM allows investment in funds and packages through NFTs, providing an innovative approach to investing. Additionally, the platform invests a portion of its funds in projects chosen by the community, demonstrating social responsibility.
9. Comprehensive Learning Hub: BitcoinBam provides a comprehensive learning hub to educate users about cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and investment strategies. This empowers community members with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions.
Overall, BitcoinBam distinguishes itself by offering a holistic ecosystem, unique features such as IDO launchpad and staking, community-driven governance, and a focus on providing a seamless and rewarding investment experience.

Живі дані ціни

Поточна ціна BitcoinBam (BTCBAM) становить приблизно $0.2401, збільшення 0.09% за останні 24 години. Обсяг торгів BTCBAM за останні 24 години становить $272,373.00. Ринкова капіталізація BitcoinBam в даний момент складає $3.61 мільйон, що становить приблизно < 0.01% від загальної ринкової капіталізації криптовалют. Кількість монет BTCBAM в обігу складає 15.03 мільйон.

Для повного списку бірж відвідайте нашу сторінку криптовалютних бірж. Щоб розуміти динаміку ціни BitcoinBam протягом часу, рекомендуємо ознайомитися з його історією цін та ROI. Для детального аналізу та поглибленого розуміння BTCBAM рекомендуємо відвідати нашуี่ сторінку криптовалютних інсайтів.

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