Логотип DropsTab - синя лінія у формі краплі з різдвяними прикрасами
Ринкова капіталізація$2.73 T -0.74%Об'єм за 24г$89.65 B 9.98%BTC$82,717.50 -0.78%ETH$1,895.20 -0.97%S&P 500$5,675.74 0.66%Золото$3,024.01 0.80%Домінація BTC 60.13%
Іконка Global Coin Research
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Global Coin Research GCR

У нас немає точних торгових даних.

Це може бути пов'язано з кількома причинами, включаючи обмежену ліквідність обміну або зняття з торгівлі. Або може бути пов'язано з нездатністю надати підтримку для бірж, на яких цей актив наразі є торговим.


$1.79 MРейтинг №--


$1.79 MРейтинг №--


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Всього зібрано
$1.20 M
Всього продано


Global Coin Research is a community of researchers and investors in Web3, focusing on the new Internet and the Talent Protocol. They provide valuable insights, investment opportunities, and educational resources through their website, weekly newsletter, podcasts, and events. They also offer different membership tiers with various benefits such as access to research calls, community hangouts, and governance discussions.

What makes Global Coin Research unique?

Global Coin Research is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is not a cryptocurrency itself, but rather a community of Researchers and Investors in Web3. They provide valuable research and insights on the cryptocurrency industry, helping investors navigate the market and make informed decisions. They also offer a range of services and events, such as virtual and in-person community hangouts, educational and research calls, and access to investment calls. Additionally, Global Coin Research has a focus on the Web3 version of the internet, understanding the potential of technologies like Talent Protocol and actively supporting projects in the space.

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