Логотип DropsTab - синя лінія у формі краплі з різдвяними прикрасами
Ринкова капіталізація$1.93 T 0.45%Об'єм за 24г$55.62 B -59.84%BTC$54,161.00 -0.11%ETH$2,271.53 1.02%S&P 500$5,407.84 0.00%Золото$2,497.39 0.00%Домінація BTC 55.19%
  • Н/Т


У нас немає точних торгових даних.

Це може бути пов'язано з кількома причинами, включаючи обмежену ліквідність обміну або зняття з торгівлі. Або може бути пов'язано з нездатністю надати підтримку для бірж, на яких цей актив наразі є торговим.


$3.72 BРейтинг №--


--Рейтинг №--


Топ підписники

ОглядБіржіЗбір коштівВестинг


GTON Capital is an organization that is building an ecosystem of innovative web 3.0 infrastructure and products. They aim to leverage decentralized web technology to create fast, cheap, and scalable solutions. GTON Network, based on Optimistic Rollup technology, offers high-speed transactions, security, and scalability. They also have a digital assets migration program and are compatible with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). GTON Capital is focused on bridging the gap between gaming and blockchain through their GameFi initiatives.

What makes GTON CAPITAL unique?

GTON Capital stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its focus on building an ecosystem of innovative web 3.0 infrastructure and products. They aim to synergize the best achievements of decentralized web technology. GTON Network, based on Optimistic Rollup technology, offers unparalleled speed, security, and scalability. Users can enjoy almost instant transactions and extremely low fees paid in decentralized stablecoin. Additionally, GTON Capital is a community-governed BSC Rollup Protocol with a multi-collateral stablecoin as its native currency. This combination of features makes GTON Capital unique in the cryptocurrency space.

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