Логотип DropsTab - синя лінія у формі краплі з різдвяними прикрасами
Ринкова капіталізація$2.45 T 0.03%Об'єм за 24г$44.50 B -41.89%BTC$67,070.60 0.09%ETH$3,109.86 0.23%S&P 500$5,302.43 0.00%Золото$2,413.93 0.00%Домінація BTC 53.81%
  • Н/Т


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Це може бути пов'язано з кількома причинами, включаючи обмежену ліквідність обміну або зняття з торгівлі. Або може бути пов'язано з нездатністю надати підтримку для бірж, на яких цей актив наразі є торговим.


Топ підписники

ОглядБіржіЗбір коштівВестинг


Lotto is a token with a built-in lottery feature. It performs a unique rebase once a week, removing 10 tokens from all holders and pooling them together. These tokens are then given to one random participant. Lotto is the first decentralized lottery protocol in the crypto space and operates on the Binance Smart Chain. It has also conducted meme contests in the past.

What makes Lotto unique?

Lotto is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is the first decentralized lottery protocol in the crypto space. It combines the features of a cryptocurrency with a built-in lottery system. Every week, Lotto performs a rebase that removes 10 tokens from all holders, pools them together, and gives them to one random participant. This creates an opportunity for investors to potentially exponentially increase their investment. Additionally, Lotto has a relatively low market cap and a relatively small supply of tokens, which may make it an attractive investment opportunity.

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