Логотип DropsTab - синя лінія у формі краплі з різдвяними прикрасами
Ринкова капіталізація$2.35 T 5.64%Об'єм за 24г$97.20 B -9.55%BTC$62,849.66 6.90%ETH$3,114.61 4.47%S&P 500$5,128.11 1.26%Золото$2,302.65 -0.00%Домінація BTC 52.62%
  • Н/Т


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Це може бути пов'язано з кількома причинами, включаючи обмежену ліквідність обміну або зняття з торгівлі. Або може бути пов'язано з нездатністю надати підтримку для бірж, на яких цей актив наразі є торговим.

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TemDAO is a decentralized membership collective that aims to fund the protection and development of World Heritage and Cultural Assets. It operates in an open and democratic manner, with members governing its structure and decision-making processes. TemDAO owns the intellectual property assets resulting from the projects it supports. Members can join TemDAO by purchasing TEM tokens or earning them through work or social contributions. Additionally, TemDAO makes crypto asset donations to aid victims of war and disasters, with recent donations being made to support displaced people in Ukraine and for reconstruction assistance. Holding TEM coins not only supports the preservation of world heritage sites but also grants users access to unique cultural experiences. TemDAO is also committed to transparent transactions, recording all expenses on-chain to prevent corruption.

What makes TemDAO unique?

TemDAO is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it focuses specifically on funding and supporting the protection and development of World Heritage and Cultural Assets. It aims to advance world heritage preservation in an open and democratic manner. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, TemDAO not only allows members to join by purchasing TEM tokens but also by earning them through contributions of work or intellectual property. Additionally, TemDAO's social contributions include making crypto asset donations from its profits to aid victims of war and disasters, such as the donations made for Ukraine through Aid For Ukraine and Binance Charity. This emphasis on promoting cultural heritage and sustainability sets TemDAO apart from other cryptocurrencies.

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