DropsTab logo - blue line depicting the shape of a water drop with Christmas decoration
M. Cap$3.69 T 3.63%24h Vol$295.96 B -33.38%BTC$106,476.68 4.04%ETH$3,328.66 1.80%S&P 500$6,047.06 0.84%Gold$2,744.77 1.37%BTC Dominance57.26%
Icon of AmonD
  • #2527


Icon of AmonDAMON Price

Price Range$0.00049839

Range selector.

Market Cap 

$3.60 MRank #2527


$3.60 MRank #2450

Detailed Performance


AMON shows Bearish signs against top cryptocurrencies, leading categories and blockchains over various time periods

Trading Pair1h24h7d1m3m1y

AMON to USD Converter

Icon of AmonDAMON
Icon of United States dollarUSD

Price History

All-Time High
283.67x to ATH
All-Time Low
6.54x to ATL
Trade Launch Date
28 Sep, 2019
1942 days ago


Exchanges type

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About AMON

AmonD is a project that aims to return the ownership of personal data and beneficiary rights to consumers. They are focused on achieving innovation in the advertisement economy for both consumers and advertisers. They also address the issue of harmful mining in the cryptocurrency industry. AmonD has been listed on Probit and operates an online live streaming platform called hellolive.tv. They have a roadmap for their project and are committed to making positive changes in the ad market.

Live AmonD Price Data

The current price of AmonD (AMON) is approximately $0.000502, reflecting a increase of 0.41% in the last 24 hours. The AMON trading volume in the last 24 hours stands at $363.60. AmonD's market cap is currently $3.60 million, accounting for about < 0.01% of the total crypto market cap. The circulating supply of AMON is 7.18 billion.

For a comprehensive list of exchanges, visit our crypto exchanges page. To understand AmonD's performance over time, consider exploring its price history and ROI. For in-depth analysis and insights on AMON, check out our crypto insights page.

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