DropsTab logo - blue line depicting the shape of a water drop with Christmas decoration
M. Cap: $3.68 T 3.15%24h Vol: $296.48 B -48.06%BTC: $106,419.99 3.47%ETH: $3,333.75 1.20%S&P 500: $6,047.06 0.84%Gold: $2,744.77 1.37%BTC Dominance: 57.25%

Icon of Dark MatterDMT Price

Price Range$10.62

Range selector.

Market Cap 

$109,699.99Rank #6165


$109,699.99Rank #10161


X Followers


Icon of DMTDMT  vs.  NFT


#AssetPrice24h %7d %FDVM.Cap / Gain Potential
1$1.254.84%3.54%$2.51 B
$2.16 B
2$2.125.27%-2.90%$2.12 B
$2.12 B
3$0.023847-3.21%-27.00%$2.11 B
$1.49 B
4$0.58662.73%1.52%$1.76 B
$1.43 B
Icon of DMTDMT

Detailed Performance


DMT shows Bearish signs against top cryptocurrencies, leading categories and blockchains over various time periods

Trading Pair1h24h7d1m3m1y

DMT to USD Converter

Icon of Dark MatterDMT
Icon of United States dollarUSD

Price History

All-Time High
58.29x to ATH
All-Time Low
1.86x to ATL
Trade Launch Date
7 Mar, 2021
1416 days ago

About DMT

Dark Matter is a buidler community focused on all things Web3. They are involved in creating teams and bringing unique projects to life in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Dark Matter aims to provide early access to product sneak peeks and token sales. They have launched several projects, such as Kitty Coin, a community focused on games and artists, and Kitty Flip Game, a coin flip game secured by Chainlink. They are also working on upcoming projects like Panther, a decentralized digital asset management system. Overall, Dark Matter is actively involved in the development and growth of the Web3 ecosystem.

What makes Dark Matter unique?

Dark Matter distinguishes itself in several ways compared to other cryptocurrencies. One unique aspect is its focus on operating within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Dark Matter aims to bring more alpha (profitability) back to its community by putting together teams and projects in the DeFi sector.
Additionally, Dark Matter takes advantage of the Polygon Network (formerly Matic) for its projects. This network offers near-zero transaction fees, allowing for a wide range of on-chain potential for NFTs, gaming, and entertainment. Dark Matter's Million Pixels project is an example of leveraging the Polygon Network's capabilities.
Furthermore, Dark Matter has developed the Panther system, which is a decentralized digital asset management system. This system combines lending aggregation with non-fungible token (NFT) strategies to bring liquidity to typically illiquid assets. It is accessible to members of the Decentralized Investment Organization (DIO).
Overall, Dark Matter's focus on DeFi, utilization of the Polygon Network, and the development of the Panther system contribute to its uniqueness compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Live Dark Matter Price Data

The current price of Dark Matter (DMT) is approximately $10.97, reflecting a decrease of -1.09% in the last 24 hours. The DMT trading volume in the last 24 hours stands at $20.50. Dark Matter's market cap is currently $109,699.99, accounting for about < 0.01% of the total crypto market cap. The circulating supply of DMT is 9,999.99.

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