- #1788
Market Cap
$3.04 MRank #1788FDV
$3.04 MRank #1937Detailed Performance
IBEUR shows Neutral behaviour against top cryptocurrencies, leading categories and blockchains over various time periods
IBEUR to USD Converter
Price History
- All-Time High
- $1.771.75x to ATH
- All-Time Low
- $0.0469121.59x to ATL
- Trade Launch Date
- 24 Jul, 2021
1151 days ago
Exchanges type
Iron Bank EUR refers to the EUR-denominated assets that can be borrowed or supplied as collateral on the Fixed Forex platform. Fixed Forex offers an alternative to USD stable coins, allowing liquidity providers to access various currencies, including EUR, KRW, GBP, CHF, AUD, and JPY. Iron Bank EUR specifically refers to the assets denominated in Euros that can be utilized on the platform.
What makes Iron Bank EUR unique?
Iron Bank EUR is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies because it is not a standalone cryptocurrency. It is a stablecoin that is backed by collateralized assets, specifically EUR. This means that for every Iron Bank EUR token in circulation, there is an equivalent amount of EUR held as collateral. This provides stability and reduces the volatility typically associated with cryptocurrencies. Additionally, Iron Bank EUR allows liquidity providers to have exposure to the EUR currency, offering an alternative to USD-denominated stablecoins.
Live Iron Bank EUR Price Data
The current price of Iron Bank EUR (IBEUR) is approximately $1.01, reflecting a increase of 1.83% in the last 24 hours. The IBEUR trading volume in the last 24 hours stands at $2,122.00. Iron Bank EUR's market cap is currently $3.04 million, accounting for about < 0.01% of the total crypto market cap. The circulating supply of IBEUR is 3.00 million.
For a comprehensive list of exchanges, visit our crypto exchanges page. To understand Iron Bank EUR's performance over time, consider exploring its price history and ROI. For in-depth analysis and insights on IBEUR, check out our crypto insights page.
IBEUR to USD Converter
Price History
- All-Time High
- $1.771.75x to ATH
- All-Time Low
- $0.0469121.59x to ATL
- Trade Launch Date
- 24 Jul, 2021
1151 days ago