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M. Cap$2.02 T -0.06%24h Vol$84.49 B -12.49%BTC$56,328.01 0.08%ETH$2,333.56 -0.12%S&P 500$5,496.93 0.45%Gold$2,519.68 0.71%BTC Dominance55.47%
  • #839


PRQ Price

Price Range--

Market Cap 

$24.48 MRank #839


$29.33 MRank #959


Twitter Followers

Detailed Performance


PRQ shows Bullish signs against top cryptocurrencies, leading categories and blockchains over various time periods

Trading Pair1h24h7d1m3m1y

PRQ to USD Converter


Price History

All-Time High
27.71x to ATH
All-Time Low
56.61x to ATL
Trade Launch Date
5 Aug, 2020
1498 days ago


See more
3.03xUSD ROI
0.00xBTC ROI
0.00xETH ROI
ICO Price
Funds Raised
$4.95 M
Tokens Sold
98.30 M PRQ


Exchanges type


About PRQ

PARSIQ is a full-suite data network that serves as the backend for web3 decentralized applications (dApps) and protocols. It is a platform used by developers to build applications and is focused on middleware and data-oriented operations, with monitoring being its core product. PARSIQ aims to make blockchain data easily accessible to all and is described as a one-stop data solution for the public. It recently released an SDK (Software Development Kit) that allows developers to create custom APIs for processing blockchain data.

What makes PARSIQ unique?

PARSIQ stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its unique approach to blockchain data accessibility and its partnership with IQ Protocol. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, PARSIQ aims to make blockchain data easily accessible to all users. This sets it apart as a one-stop data solution for the public, making it easier for individuals and businesses to access and utilize blockchain data.
Additionally, PARSIQ has a synergistic relationship with IQ Protocol. IQ Protocol was initially built to create an ecosystem for PARSIQ, satisfying the needs of service users, investors, and traders. This collaboration ensures that the success of IQ Protocol directly translates into increased demand for PARSIQ's PRQ tokens, making each transaction within the PARSIQ ecosystem even more valuable.
Furthermore, PARSIQ's use of IQ Protocol helps balance the needs of both investors and service-adopting customers. While investors benefit from the potential value appreciation of PRQ tokens, service-adopting customers desire stability in token price for long-term adoption. The integration of IQ Protocol allows PARSIQ to address both parties' concerns, making it a rare example of successful business-oriented tokenomics in the crypto industry.
Overall, PARSIQ's focus on data accessibility, its synergistic partnership with IQ Protocol, and its ability to satisfy the needs of both investors and service-adopting customers make it unique compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Live PARSIQ Price Data

The current price of PARSIQ (PRQ) is approximately $0.09454, reflecting a increase of 32.58% in the last 24 hours. The PRQ trading volume in the last 24 hours stands at $694,165.06. PARSIQ's market cap is currently $24.48 million, accounting for about < 0.01% of the total crypto market cap. The circulating supply of PRQ is 260.26 million.

For a comprehensive list of exchanges, visit our crypto exchanges page. To understand PARSIQ's performance over time, consider exploring its price history and ROI. For in-depth analysis and insights on PRQ, check out our crypto insights page.

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